I'm from Huntingburg, Indiana, and currently study computer science at Purdue University. After I graduate, my plan is to work as a Software Developer.
Although I'm a programmer and tech enthusiast, I'm also passionate about the humanities. Alongside my major in computer science, I'm pursuing a degree in Spanish. In addition, I'm a reporter for one of the nation's top student-run collegiate newspapers, the Purdue Exponent.
Outside of school, I enjoy cooking, traveling, reading, and the occasional bike ride. In 2025, I plan to go on a semester-long study abroad in Latin America, where I will continue my studies and hone my working proficiency of Spanish.
I am very excited about working as a developer after I graduate. We are currently in the middle of a great technological revolution—marked by the emergence of new technologies such as generative AI, cloud computing, and spatial computing.
I look forward to developing products that utilize these tools, and am eager to make my own small impact on the future.
In addition to proficiency in the languages above, I am currently learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
I don't much experience working with these languages in a production environment; I'm currently in search of a job, internship, or extracurricular activity that will allow me to practice my skills.
I pretty familiar with the above tools and am constantly trying to learn new ones.
I'm still working on deciding which personal project I should pursue next.
I decided to start this project because I wanted to learn how to build a website from the ground-up, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I found myself overwhelmed by the web development stack, so I decided that I would not use any frameworks for this project.
I learned a lot in the process of creating this website, and I now feel confident enough to use them in a professional setting and on more advanced future projects.
Phone: (812) 351-1082
Email: contact@braydenreimann.com
WhatsApp: (812) 351-1082